Saturday 22 January 2011


Hong Kong Lights Show

So I originally decided I wouldn't bother with a blog after all. However these thoughts have changed again as I'm currently in Hong Kong airport with 6 hours to wait until my flight to Australia and with no money there's not much to do except upload and go through my 180 pictures of Hong Kong. Thank God for free wi-fi!
Travelling is something I have wanted to do for years, this is a trip I've been planning for ages, I still wonder what the hell I was thinking actually doing this. Leaving everything to go half way around the world by yourself on a one way ticket. This time last year I was at uni, sitting in the library stressing about dissertation and now I'm sitting in an airport having just spent an amazing four days learning about a beautiful country and waiting to get on the plane and hopefully start living my dream.

For anyone wanting to do the same thing, I'll say now do it. If it's what you want to do, do it. So many people I've spoken to say they want to travel but never take any action in actually booking a ticket. When you do it's terrifying, I've never spent so much money in one go in my life! Even in the days leading up to it I was asking myself what I was doing, why I would want to leave behind a life I was happy with to do this by myself. But it's something I've always wanted to do and I know if I didn't do this I'd regret it.
I've met so many people already, the majority Australian and I'm so excited to go to Australia and see what happens there now. I've decided I want to stay as long as I can, when I left I convinced myself I'd only be there for a couple of months instead, but now I've gone I do want a decent job and to get a flat rather than moving from hostel to hostel. Besides, I think I need a flat to put all my stuff in, if I try and cram anymore into my suitcase it will burst!