Wednesday 2 March 2011

sometimes the random things that happen feel like they were meant to be

The weeks feel like months here! It seems like so long ago I was in Broken Hill when really it was like 2 weeks ago. But since then I've been to Sydney twice and have completely fallen in love with the city, up the East Coast and I'm now in Brisbane for a couple of days before going back to Sydney for Mardi Gras!! I can't remember the last time I was so excited for something as I am for Mardi.
After Broken Hill I went back to Sydney for a couple of days, on the sunday I went to Fair Day and with chance meetings I ended up signing up to work on parade day this saturday. Last week I had a meeting where they briefed us about the day and put us into our teams where fate lead me to Jason and Joel and as far as I'm concerned Saturday can't come quick enough!! I'm in the best area for the parade and cannot wait for the party after. The likely rumours for performers are Rhianna, George Michael again and Kesha, I'm not one to get overly excited for celebrities but if Rhianna and George Michael are there that will be the icing on the cake! All I have to do before Saturday is come up with my slogan and put it on my t-shirt, so far I've come up with 'if God is a DJ, Jesus is a Drag Queen' which I don't think will fit. So I need something else so it's looking like 'live, laugh, love and always be fabulous'.

I did do some tourist things in Sydney, I did the Bridge Climb which was amazing and will possibly be the highlight of Sydney most likely alongside Mardi Gras. But between that and all the Mardi excitement I've been up and down the East Coast. I went to Cairns where I crossed something off the list and swum the Great Barrier Reef, there were storms for like 3 days when I was there but the dives never got cancelled, plus I ended up swimming with a shark for a bit and I didn't see any toads so happy days all round! But I had a skydive booked which did get cancelled so thats back on the list, although seeing the state of my bank balance it might turn out to be a good thing! I've been down to the Sunshine Coast and am now in Brisbane. Highlight of this part of the trip was Australia Zoo and finally getting to cross something else off the list in holding a Koala (and a Croc) <3
Next stop, a night in Brisbane airport, then off to Sydney at 5:30 tomorrow morning!