Tuesday 22 February 2011

My heart belongs to Broken Hill

For someone who's spent most of my life being anti anything country related back home, it seems ironic that the two places I've got a real soft spot for out here are right out in the middle of nowhere. Kings Canyon/Uluru/Kata Tujta for the landscapes and memories. And now Broken Hill, probably one of the quietest places I've been in my life, a small mining town on the edge of the outback, I arrived at 6pm, went out at about 7pm to see what was around and found everything shut except for Pizza Hut, Subway and an Italian restaurant which looked quite nice but out of my price range! I've never seen a place so fitting to the description of a ghost town before. But this place has got into me, even when I finished the Rock Tour I had the best time but I was still happy to go and get back to some kind of civilisation. But with Broken Hill I think I could have easily spent a few more days there, I did less in Broken Hill than I have anywhere else which is probably why I like it so much I actually got a rest. That's part of it, but the main part has to be the hotel. The Palace Hotel is hats off my favourite place I've stayed yet. It wasn't the most attractive building but there was something about it, a large part of that is probably because I knew Priscilla was filmed there and seeing the artwork, although some of that is in major need of refurbishment was so exciting. It's not as shining and well kept as it looks in the film but it was special. The staff were amazing and like I said it's been the first place I've felt sad to leave (except Melbourne but thats completely different!).
So the first night there was kind of dead, but I had my own room and a tv and internet was a dollar a day so got to sit on the balcony and go online. I'm glad I went to Alice first though, my outback experience has definately made me easier around bugs, there were three crickets in my
room the first night and why usually I would be terrified I actually got rid of them, even if it did include killing two of them! The second night I dont think I had any. The second night the hotel bar and restaurant was open so I went there and it was such a nice feeling in there, it was like
something out of a film, getting to mix with the locals! It really was the 'real' Australia!
My main reason for choosing that hotel was because it was in Priscilla, my first mission was of course to find the Priscilla suite and I am so glad it was booked out while I was there otherwise I would have taken it! Although the second afternoon I walked past and the door was open so I
really had no choice to put my head and camera in, only realised after there were people on the balcony but I dont think they saw!
So an amazing few days in Broken Hill, if I had forward vision I wish I'd gone straight there from Alice instead of to the hole called Adelaide, I didn't warm to Sydney in the way I thought I would but I hated Adelaide! Part to do with the fact I was in the hotel from hell, if they didn't have free wi-fi and I'd booked a private room I don't think I would have lasted a night. But it's done, I'm never going back there again and I definately had an experience there, even if it is one I don't want to relive!
I'm now on the Indian Pacific train to Sydney, though I swear I'm sitting in the wrong class because I have a huge seat and have just been told the evening meal is being served in the dining carriage....... Sydney for a couple of days then onto Cairns!
But right now Broken Hill is my place!

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