Thursday 10 February 2011

A TimTam beats a Penguin biscuit.

So I've spent the last two weeks in Melbourne and am now sitting in a coach terminal, writing this out on word because my computer won't connect to the free public wi-fi! I'm waiting for a 12 hour bus journey to Sydney and I'm already beginning to think this whole doing it on the cheap, backpacking thing won't work for me! I spent all of 5 minutes in the official coach terminal waiting room where I was accompanied by a tramp and two junkies who although seeming completely spaced out still had their mac, although one wouldn't keep staring, and to top it all off it stunk. I still have a good two hour wait until my bus goes so I'm preying I don't get anyone like that on my bus. Not too sure what to expect from the Greyhound, kind of glad I didn't book a kilometer pass until I've experienced one journey, although if my bloody internet would work I'd google how much it is to fly!! But anyways, good or bad I'm sure it will be an experience!

Melbourne is a beautiful city and has given me a great first impression of Australia. Everyone is so friendly and I've seen and done a lot including fairy penguins, wild koalas and a huntsman. But for the first time on this trip I'm beginning to feel like I'm really on my own now. It's not a bad
feeling, I'm not feeling lonely, but even in Hong Kong I knew it was a couple of days then I would be in a house in the suburbs in Melbourne. Now I'm off to Sydney I have nothing waiting, except for a hostel reservation, and so far no sight of being in a home. Although I am hoping that it wont be long and I'll have somewhere I can call home and a job to go with it. I know that Sydney is going to make or break this trip and if the result is break I need to come up with backup plan quickly!

But back to Melbourne.
This is definately a place to settle, the suburbs are almost Wisteria Lane style Suburbia and the city has life but isn't as mad as London. I spent the weekend in Lorne on the Great Ocean Road, spent all day saturday boarding, sunday shopping and saturday night I got my first taste of the traditional Aussie parma! Plus my first watersport injury! This combined with two weeks chilling on the beach, watching tennis or mooching around the city is a pretty good life!
I can see now why it would be good to be doing this with someone, having someone to build on the excitement with and keep it excitement when it starts to turn to something else, but really I have nothing to lose. I just need to stick to the positive and prey that this all works out how I want!
I'm not looking forward to the overnight coach journey but I'm hoping I'm sitting next to someone I get on with, arrive 8am, I'm going to dump my stuff get out there and start chasing. The thought of spending the next 9 months in hostels is something I do not want to be doing, but heres to hoping!!

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